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For Rubinum, S.A. it is of primary importance to understand the needs of the customer in order to deliver products that meet their expectations. The customer’s feedback on the product is collected by the commercial department so that it can be studied with the other departments involved. From here, an assessment is made of the possible improvements in quality, safety and service that can be applied to the product.

It is also very important for Rubinum, S.A. to ensure that its products comply with current legislation, particularly in terms of food safety, through the HACCP system and in accordance with the FAMI QS standard, in order to provide safe products for animal feed. To this end, Rubinum, S.A. collaborates with an external consultancy firm that provides information on new developments in legislation or any legal aspect that may be of interest.

As the main action within the Quality and Safety Policy, the company will establish objectives to be achieved, which will be reviewed/modified annually, coinciding with the review of the Quality Management System with the Management. These objectives shall be described in the report.

It shall be ensured that activities are carried out as previously defined and using the best available resources. Management shall ensure that the resources necessary to establish and maintain the quality system are available.

The Quality Department is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the Quality System, taking measures and making appropriate changes to improve it. The Quality Department will issue documentation on these actions.

Continuous improvement is favoured, investing all the necessary efforts and resources in internal training, materials, technological innovation and prevention, with the aim of optimising the company as a whole.

We are committed to taking the necessary measures to prevent fraud/adulteration (Feed Fraud and Feed Defence).

We are committed to communicating this policy to all our stakeholders.


At Rubinum we are committed to providing our customers with high quality products that meet the highest safety standards. That’s why we are proud to hold the FAMI QS seal of approval, which is recognised worldwide as a mark of excellence in the animal feed industry.

FAMI QS is a comprehensive certification programme covering many aspects of the feed supply chain, including the sourcing of raw materials and the manufacture of additives, premixes and complementary feeds. It sets strict standards for food safety, hygiene and traceability, ensuring that our products are safe and of the highest quality.

As a FAMI QS certified company, we are regularly audited by independent auditors to ensure that we meet the certification standards. This helps us to continually improve our processes and products and gives our customers confidence in the safety and reliability of our products.

We are committed to maintaining the highest levels of quality and safety, and our FAMI QS certification is just one of the ways we demonstrate this commitment. We are proud to offer our customers products that are not only effective and reliable, but also safe and of the highest quality.